Academia Vulgaris

Course Catalog


We have many exciting courses and opportunities to learn new skills this year. As usual, membership in the Workers Guild gives discount on all our on-site courses!


Long one-term "skill" courses

Short one-week "kit" courses

Language classes

Long one-term "skill" courses


Need a side income? Want to run away with the circus? Just want to run away? In either case, this is the course for you! You will learn most circus tricks except for the clowning, this year we have extra focus on balance. Among the most appreciated lessons are "Slip out of a grappel", "Always land on your feet" and "Parkour!"

Animal Handling

If you are working regularly with animals, or if you would like to tame a pet of your own, this is a useful skill to have. Calm down that raging bull, or teach the owlbear cub to not eat your kitchen table. We now also have a special section just for mounted combat!


Learn all about what magic is and how it works! Also we will learn about Elementals, Aberrations, Constructs, Dragons and Oozes. The exiting examination of the course is to visit a random plane of existence and try to get home!

Important note: We will only learn about magic, not actually do magic!


Have 24/7 access to our amazing gym, including booked sessions with a PT up to four times a week. Choose two personal specialist areas from the following: grappling, climbing, swimming, jumping and opening sticky jam jars.


What others call deception, we call politics! Learn to lie in thought, word and deed. From the finest salons to the roughest street corners. After this course you will be apt to become the finest politician or sales person on this side of the Dragon's strait, or I will eat my own hat!


This course can be taken in two versions, depending on preference.

  • The theoretical course will focus on literary studies in dusty libraries. If it sounds exciting to read countless scrolls with names of kings and queens, old heritage and even older wars, then this is for you.

  • The practical course will focus on excursions and cultural exchange. Visit bullywugs in Karrloch swamp, kobolds in the Needles, and goblins on the Radiant plains. If you get back you will surely know more about our fellow races than any of your nosy neighbours!

Both courses contain examination in all humanoid races plus giants.


Figure out what is going on in the minds of others. Are they spiteful or deceiptful? Are they nervous or need to use the bathroom? Are they planning to overthrow the king with nothing but an oar and a frying pan or do they have a muscle spasm in their right eyebrow? For security reasons we will have plenty of practice on mannequins before we actually try on real people.


Does it feel like nobody ever listens to you? Learn to scare them into submission! In this course you will get plenty of practice in the 7 golden rules of making people do what you want.

None of them is 'please'.


Learn to put 2 and 2 together, the smart way! Follow clues, make deductions, utilize that brain of yours. As long as you have a couple of hints, you can figure out which way they are pointing. If nothing else helps, at least you will know how to use a library.


Learn all about the anatomy of humans and 57 other humanoid races. Plenty of field practice with stabilizing dying people, and following that we usually also have field practice with autopsy and establishing cause-of-death.


This course will touch upon terrain, weather and natural cycles (whatever those are), but also do deep dives into the different creature types Plants, Beasts, Monstrosities and Fey. You can also choose a personal focus of either recognizing and finding healing potion ingredients or trippy mushrooms. 


We will spend hours upon hours staring at something really really small very very far away, and after that we will try to hear if someone is sneaking up on us (which there isn't because of budget cuts). We will then use various hidden traps to make you really paranoid and very aware of your surroundings at all times.


Learn how to entertain an audience in a variety of ways! You will get a good foundation in each of four main tracks and a variety of minor tracks. After that you can choose to specialize in one track or stay as a generalist. The tracks are music, dance, acting and storytelling


Get people to do what you want; the nice and pleasant way! Where Intimidation relies on fear, this skill instead relies on social skill and carefully and politely manipulating people to where you want them.


We will learn all there is to know about deities, rites, prayers and holy symbols. We will also look into the creature types Undead, Celestial and Fiend. The examination consists of each student establishing their own secret cult from the ground up. 

Sleight of Hand

Practice all sorts of fidgety things, like pickpocketing, reverse pickpocketing, lockpicking, pockpicketing and how to make a cat's cradle with a loop of string.


This course is divided into two main parts: Not being seen, and not being heard.

The highest grade can only be achieved if noone have noticed you attending the course at all.


This course takes place almost entirely in the wilderness, where we will make a camp and read a lot of books on how to follow tracks, hunt, set traps, find fresh water, find the right directions, predict the weather and similar useful skills. We will then go back home and have a written exam.

Short one-week "kit" courses

Language classes

We are proud of our selection of  available language classes!

We strive to always have a running class in the basic languages from all three families, plus usually one or two of the original languages.

Special offer! If you take two language courses in one year you get a course in any sister language for half the price!

New courses are added monthly. 

Keep an eye out!