
Session 2 - Prologue


Charlie and Gerlinde

Story Recap

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Charlie and Gerlinde are separately looking for mercenary jobs when they simultaneously manage to find a contact called Asy, a green tiefling. She sends them on a mission to kill an allegebly evil half-elf nobleman called Varis Eilinara and/or his two guards and bring them back. She needs a body to extract a large crystal shard that each of them have melded to their chest.

While scouting the city gate Gerlinde spots the trio and they follow them to the Honking Hog tavern. They overhear them booking two rooms, and follow suit booking a room of their own. Later on in the large serving room they manage to catch Varis' attention with some Prestidigitation performance, and they spend the night playing dice and chatting.

During the night, Gerlinde breaks down the door to the guards room. Charlie makes short process with the sleeping guards, who revert into drow once they are dead. Gerlinde tries to cut loose one shard but it shatters. They decide to bring the torso of the second guard to Asy, and to leave the nobleman undisturbed.

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They meet up with Asy again, delivering the torso. Satisfied with a job well done, she asks them if they want to join on the second part of the mission as well. If made into potions the shard can protect a small group of people from a mindnumbing effect, called the Veil, that now covers all of the country Gordroh.

She asks them to come back in a few days when she has had time to gather a few more people. They will be sent on a mission to infiltrate a mine, get more shards, and then find their way to the ritual of the Veil and interrupt it. The fate of the world might be in the balance.