Weevil Forest

Enchantingly easy to get lost

The story behind the name

The forest is named for its unique population of Light weevils. They remind of fireflies, except that it is not the weevil itself that glows, it is the glowing orbs that they create with the cantrip Dancing lights.

The weevils also have access to the cantrip Color spray. This is used in defence to blind a following predatory bird, usually causing them to collide with the vegetation thus letting the insect get away. With such a strong defense their population grew to extremes, eating and killing off large parts of forest each year.

Finally a druid enchanted some Swift birds to gain the ability to hunt blind, using ecolocation and the cantrip Thunderclap. The so called Thunder swifts now keep the beatles in check, but hunters and foresters have taken to walking around with earplugs.

Other forest animals


These are foxes that can cast Disguise self. It is not uncommon that they disguise

themselves as sheep to get at the lambs, but the sheep dogs can usually smell them

and chase them off.


There are some boars in the forest that have the Jump spell and some that have Spider climb. They  use these spells to get up into trees and eat leaves and fruit and sometimes nest among the branches. You can sometimes see broken branches and snapped trunks of smaller trees if you track them. 


Elusive and rarely seen, these large black panthers are rumored to be able to phase in and out of the shadowy realm of the moon. They probably have a common ancestor with the Displacer Beast.


These nocturnal birds are named for the colorful, shifting patterns that appear on their feathers when they hoot. They are believed to bring good luck to those who encounter them.


These ethereal insects have transparent wings with intricate, crystalline patterns. Their presence is said to bring serenity and positive energy to those who witness their flights. They can cast Mirror Image to confuse predators.


Residing in the misty, forested areas, these deer-like creatures can create illusions of themselves to confuse predators. They are associated with dreams and illusions.


Tiny, mischievous forest-dwelling creatures who can control the growth of plants and create enchanted gardens. They can turn invisible and use the spell Minor Illusion, and are known for playing pranks on unsuspecting travelers.


These small mammals are known to have fur that shimmers like the night sky, and they leave a trail of glowing stardust behind them as they hop. Anyone who follows them risks getting dust in their eyes, causing short term Blindness.


These birds create melodious music with their wings and are said to be able to heal with their enchanting songs. Their presence is considered a sign of tranquility but is actually partly a defense mechanism since they cast the spell Friends through the music.


Serpents with scales that can change color and pattern to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. They are known to be elusive and mysterious creatures, often associated with the balance between light and darkness. They have been hunted since their skin is very suitable as crafting material for the magical items Cloak of Elvenkind and Cloak of Invisibility and are now quite rare.