The three Masildar gods

Osher, Ytar and Ildari of Masildar are three dwarven sibling gods. Their combined symbol is three circles intertwined, but they also have individual symbols.

Osher the Lifebringer is a god of life and war. The view is that war feeds on life and life feeds on war, hence they are governed by the same god. He is worshipped by officers, mothers and elders. His symbol is a three people holding hands, a man and a woman and a child with the child in the middle, both the man and the woman holding swords.

Ytar the Tempest is a god of tempest and knowledge. Like a tempest, strength of body and strength of mind will bend or break all opposition. He is worshipped by soldiers and intellectuals, and his symbol is a book and a mace.

Ildari the Unforgiving is a goddess of nature and trickery. If you are unprepared, nature will play tricks on you and even kill you for your recklessness. However, for worshippers of Ildari, nature is bountiful and providing. She is worshipped by rangers and sailors, and her symbol is a sailing ship looking like a tree branch

The legend of Telkumal's sword

In the beginning of time, the vain god Telkumal wanted to slay all evil creatures, and created a magical sword to do it with. She gave the sword to the greatest warrior amongst her followers, and he won great victories with it, decimating all evil. 

The masters of Evil got together and made a plan. They spawned the first dragons, and used huge armies of them to lay waste to the world. 

Three siblings; Osher, Ytar and Ildari of Masildar, found a way to ruin Evil’s plans. They gave the dragons free will and distrust in all races, including their own, thus turning the dragons on themselves. 

To manage this great feat, they were forced to seal away Telkumal’s sword in the process, to Telkumal’s great fury. The three siblings lost much of their powers after completing the ritual, but Ytar sealed away the location of the sword in a powerful artifact, called Ytar’s key. This must be kept away forever, for Evil must never lay hands on that sword.

The fourth god

There were three dwarven gods, the Masildar siblings. Osher the Lifebringer was god of life and war, because war feeds on life and life feeds on war. Ytar the Tempest was god of tempest and knowledge, because strength of body and strength of mind will bend or break all opposition. Ildari the Unforgiving was the sister, goddess of nature and trickery, because nature plays tricks on the unprepared. They were strong gods, and they bravely took part in the dragon wars.

But there was a fourth god, a forgotten brother. No one talked about him and no one worshipped him. His was the role of caretaker, coming after his siblings once the battle was over, guiding the soles of the lost into the afterlife. He shone his light on the fallen, helping them find their way. The other gods told their followers: “Don’t walk into the light. Don’t follow the god of death, or you shall surely die.” So the fourth god remained alone, without followers. He grew resentful of his brothers and sister, but kept looking after the dead and the dying, showing them a last glimmer of light before they faded into darkness.

But the wars would not end. The gilden warrior and the dragonmakers kept battling, and the people of the lands kept dying. The fourth god, the forgotten one, was the only one to see the truth for what it was. Acemiel, the golden sword, had to be taken away to restore balance.

The word of its want spread quickly and everyone was craving it, few more than its creator and wielder. To protect it, the fourth god told his siblings that none were stronger than they, so it had to fall upon them to hide the sword. But he used them. He used the god of knowledge to hide their location. He used the god of war to stand guard of a long lasting peace. And he used the trickster goddess to deceive all three.

The three powerful gods quickly fell into oblivion, but out of spite, the fourth god still names himself the forgotten one. But he is the only one that continues to carry out his task. He wanders the lands, shining a light for lost souls to find their way.

The Demon Wars

A group of heroes retrieved Telkumal's sword as a way to cut the Chains and end the Demon invasion. As they found the sword in year 619, they also released the three Masildar gods from their prison. They were rather upset with their brother who had trapped them, but still agreed to help in the grave task to save the world. 

All four gods helped the heroes break the chains to start with. But before the fourth chain was cut, three of them disappeared and haven't been seen ever since. They left dwarf and men to their fate.

Glenn is the only Masildar god that still wanders the world. But he is not alone anymore. A stone dwarf helps him guarding the border between life and death, a ferryman of sorts. This eternal wanderer might show up when someone is about to die, and people pray to his benevolence by carrying around a piece of flint.