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- Ginny Hawthorne

Nursery story, pre-lock

Once there was a champion of Good called Fendin, who was chosen by his god to defeat the armies of Evil. His god bestowed upon him a sword, and with the help of this sword he won many victories. Three other gods, named Osher, Ytar and Ildari, were jealous, and stole the sword from Fendin and hid it. One day when Evil is threatening, prophets will tell of a new champion of Good, that will find the sword and once again wield it in the honor of its god.

Antiquarians note:

Source: “Enfargor nursery stories and rhymes”, page 32

Pre-lock book, various authors

Accounting from Dreben outpost, 610

unreadable text…not a beast for some reason. Their group approached the road, and were headed off by a squad of soldiers from Dreben, and the Lieutenant. 

One of the Man in Black’s guards heard one of us, and peeled off towards our left to circle around and cut him off; Rolen and I headed off to intercept…unreadable text

unreadable text…ordered his men to attack, and none of them moved. It’s then we knew that the outpost was entirely on Palinor’s side, and we were vastly outnumbered.

Rolen and I attacked the soldier and took him…unreadable text

Antiquarians note:

Partially unreadable, author unknown

Probably refers to the Dreben outpost on the border between Aleria and Palinor, setting this just before the Alerian rebellion.

Letter from Krag, Aleria 610

Perifan Kneckfagle

C.O. Bevan Greene




I write to you with great haste. Alerian resistance has overrun Aler. The woman in white smashed up the great ferries. Suspect bridge builders will be starting now. Bailiff dead. Suspect the black wizard. Nasty stuff.

We are safe. Escaped with the Vortiger when the crowd turned ugly. Had to fight off a demon from a portal to another plane, and also the woman in white. I think. It was a succubus, but maybe it was her all along. 

Don’t know what our plan is now. Vortiger will travel to Kaphalt and we will either escort her there, or branch off once we know she is safe. 

Send word to Tekyr: Aleria is as good as compromised now. No loyalty remains towards Ransard.

Yours excellently, Krag.

Antiquarians note:

Possible or even reasonable that the author is Krag of Turnuroth clan

Probably set in close vicinity to the Dimension lock, travel to Kapahlt is mentioned which would set it before, but they also mention a demon portal, which would suggest it happened after.

Note from Kapahlt shore, Lock day

Garden 5th

I write from a small cave on the shore next to Kaphalt. We are hiding the queen from the Palinoran army. They won’t find us, since I picked the best hiding spot on this shoreline.

That, and the fleet of ships on the horizon will be offering quite the distraction.

It seems our message arrived just in time. Palinor’s scumbags may have taken the city but at least they seem to be leaving the populace relatively unmolested. Now they have the full might of Ransard to deal with. Me? I will keep the queen hidden, and gain her favour.  Tactics has my back.

We marched here as fast as we could. It was brutal, even for me. Fortunately I was able to keep everyone from getting lost on the way through the woods. I avoided every single threat we might have found. Actually I think the only reason we arrived in time was through my pro navigation skills.

There was time to bond with the gorilla from Aler though. I decided to call him Tactics, but I’m not sure why… It just sort of stuck.  We spent a glorious night under the stars, laughing and feeding each other fruit. We must have looked beautiful.

I was involved in my first real battle today. It went ok, given the circumstances. The team and I held the gates pretty much single handedly for as long as we could. This stupid city has too many ways in, though. The rams and ladders eventually got through and we fled back to the castle.

In the castle we ran around looking for secret passages out of the city. Eventually we were led to the basement, and got attacked by some undead from the crypts. I was quick enough to throw down a carpet of spikes, which kept most of the hostiles from moving in on us. Clever me.

A quick jaunt through the sewers and here we are, in one piece. I hope the same can be said for Kaphalt.

Antiquarians note:

Author unknown, probably a junior Ransardian soldier or tracker. Of high interest due to the date, but this could be forged or misstated. Tactics could be a tribute to the gorilla Tactics, companion of Krag of Turnuroth clan, suggesting that the author knew them or at least knew about them.

Note from Kapahlt, post-lock 610

It has happened, everything that I feared. I look out over desolate, downtrodden fields under a purple sky. The Ransardian army left this morning. I see the burning capital in the distance, and I can make out the shapes of a few demons flying above in erratic patterns. They are probably still feasting on the people that used to live there. When I look out over the ocean I see the remains of the Ransardian fleet leaving, and some distance away, one solitary white ship, heading in another direction. Onboard is a small group of people that have me more puzzled than anything else. I first heard of them in August, in Vandural, where they had come to be referred to as “The Vandural Prophets” after an old fairytale.

I arrived here too late. As I feared, the city had been overrun by the Palinorian army, and the Lock was activated. I have to hand it to Strac, this time she prepared well. No one had escaped except for the royal family, escorted by the prophets. I have yet to figure out to which side they belong, or if they are indeed a wild card, a third party. I’m not even sure how much they know. But I mustn’t worry about that now. First, I have to learn if there is a way to undo the Lock. The Scripts don’t mention any, but I guess they didn’t know either. I will have to travel further, deeper. These will be dark times for civilization. 

Antiquarians note:

Author unknown. Seems to be written in the vicinity of Kapahlt, a few days after the Lock. References the prophecy.

Field report, Ransard 611

Field report

Snow 19th 611

The winter has been unusually cold, and the winds are howling almost constantly over the frozen landscape. The sky is still slightly colored purple since that day in Garden’s might, a day people are referring to as “the toll day”, “the purple day” or just “that day”. There are still five bands of deeper purple that stand out, like rainbows with limited imagination and ill intent. Demons have occupied Kapahlt, but they don’t seem to spread from there. A few other portals have however appeared across the continent, and roaming demons spread fear and chaos.

Ransard has pulled back its forces from the capital, and seems to count that as a lost battle. The soldiers have been stationed in the other larger cities in Ransard: Ranz, Tupsol and Tekyr, but also Saexby, Hamur and Cormwak. The roads are abandoned, and roaming groups of thugs and bandits have become increasingly common. Tainted bloods have made several advancements into the lands, something they haven’t dared for hundreds of years. Aleria and Narim have been left to fend for themselves, Ransard has not sent reinforcements to Narim despite several pleas.

The trade routes have become risky endeavors unless traveling with heavily guarded caravans, and cities have become more and more isolated as trade has diminished. Several smaller settlements have been attacked by raiding orc bands or worse, and yet others have been abandoned in fear of the same fate. The centuries of safety and civilization seem like a distant dream. 

Antiquarians note:

Author unknown. Text found in a restored army post along Ransard coastline east of former Kapahlt

Poem, ~10 LC

Our home is lost, in wasteland weep

Around us demons from chaos deep

Marching on flowers and withered leaf

Remember the fifth of Garden’s grief

Antiquarians note:

Author unknown, known references at year 10 LC but poem could be older still
