
Session 4


Arra, Angela and Charlie

Story Recap

2 Reading 112

Angela and Charlie spend the day in the mine, looking for shards. Charlie finds an old camp in a tunnel, he and Angela hide their shard in the campfire.

Arra scouts the exchange station and the camp. She talks with Leela about working in the exchange station. A fairy moth comes and notifies her about the shard thief from yesterday being executed outside the gates. She talks with the local small scale maffiaboss Snive and discovers that he is not affected by the Veil. 

In the evening they arrange a festive gathering around their campfire, gathering lots of people around it. Arra sings a song about love, based on a letter they found in the tunnel camp. Gerlinde, Errand and Arend move to this campfire, making it one of the biggest minicamps.

3 Reading 112

Angela is finding more of her past identity and wants to go back to her old name, Sonya. She and Charlie purchase crowbars and continue searching the mine. Arra is selected for work in the exchange station and finds a secret door. In the afternoon they find the dwarf Taryn crying over his missing brother Barin. They go into the mine one more time and Charlie stumbles on the murdered Barin. He convinces Taryn to take revenge on Snive's camp tomorrow. 

4 Reading 112

When it's Arras exchange station shift they make their play and escape out the secret door while Taryn acts out his revenge. They follow a long winding tunnel, eventually running into an enslaved demon. It communicates with them telepathically, startling Arra enough to charge at it with crowbar raised. Halfway into the fight it loses its calm lucidity and goes into a rage. It kills Charlie and downs Arra, but half a second before it consumes her soul Angela manage to kill it with an Eldritch blast.

They mourn Charlie but continues along the tunnel. After travelling the whole day they emerge into a mossy forest. They move away from the tunnel and rest. 

5 Reading 112

In the morning they observe a strange acidic swamp creature approach them. It presents itself as Hubertschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Junior but Arra calls it Hubert. They make friends and it offers to guide them to the nearest town. 

6 Reading 112

Travel through swamp. Some leeches attack but Hubert helps.

7 Reading 112

Travel over a dried-out lake bed.

8 Reading 112

Travel over a dried-out lake bed. Town in sight!


Our group continued to explore the camp in our quest for gather shards and escape the mine. My curiosity got the best of me as I attempted to strike up a conversation with Snive, the suspicious figure we had encountered previously. To my surprise, I learned that he wasn't under mind control, but rather in collaboration with the guards. The bad vibes I had about him were unfortunately confirmed. Snive proposed a deal, offering to provide us with what we needed in exchange for a price. It sent shivers down my spine, and took some time to ponder the offer. Meanwhile, Charlie and Angela toiled away in the mines. Angela was fortunate in her search, finding some shards, but Charlie stumbled upon an old camp deep within the mine. It was a revelation, as we realized we could hide our precious shards "in plain sight" beneath the coals.

I took up a position at the Gem booth and stumbled upon a secret door hidden within it. With a possible escape route, we desperately needed more shards to fulfill our escape plan, and we began gearing up with crowbars for the impending heist. Suddenly, tragedy struck as a dwarf was killed in the mine, leaving his brother consumed by grief and seeking revenge. Charlie seized the opportunity to instigate the bereaved dwarf, setting a fire at Snive's house, which we believed was 99% responsible for the murder. With the distraction in place, we hurriedly opened the secret door and locked it securely behind us, hoping to make our escape.

Our journey took us through the secret passage, leading to a cave filled with strange mushrooms, clear water, stalagmites, and a menacing demon waiting at its center. The demon was wounded, but still formidable, unleashing powerful spells and ferocious attacks upon our group. The battle was intense, and Charlie valiantly defended us until his last breath. I followed soon after, but Angela, now known as Sonia, summoned every last ounce of her strength to defeat the demonWaken up by Sonia's gentle touch, we bid our heartfelt goodbyes to Charlie. With heavy hearts, we ventured out of the dark cave.

We emerged into a dampish forest that was vastly different from the treacherous depths we had just left behind. Sonia believed we had crossed to the other side of the mountain range, now finding ourselves farther north than ever before. As we navigated the unfamiliar forest, our journey took an unexpected turn. We came across a truly bizarre creature, an acidic being with an odd, happy-looking hat perched on its head. Surprisingly, this creature exuded an air of cheerfulness and goodwill. It generously gifted us some coins and a peculiar stick, one that could cast a fireball when dropped. It was an unusual but intriguing gift. Strangely, this creature offered to guide us to the nearest village. Though it seemed dangerous, we sensed good intentions emanating from it. With caution and curiosity, we decided to follow this enigmatic being into the unknown. As our adventure continued, we couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries and challenges awaited us in this new, northern territory.

The acidic creature with the long, complicated name was an intriguing character indeed. We decided to simplify things and gave it the name "Hubert." Despite his cheerful demeanor, Hubert shared a series of tragic stories with us. He spoke of losing friends, a brother, and even a beloved cat, all due to his corrosive nature. However, what made Hubert truly peculiar was his innocence — he couldn't grasp the concept that his acidic nature was the cause of these unfortunate events.

As we journeyed alongside Hubert through the dampish forest, we couldn't help but feel a mix of sympathy and fascination for this unique being. His well-meaning intentions were evident, even if they often resulted in unintended consequences. With Hubert leading the way, we continued on our adventure, eager to see where this strange path would lead us next and hoping that we could help him avoid any further heartache.