
and Magical Weather Effects

Randomized weather.

Roll a d20 and check the table below for the weather of today.
















Rain and Wind


Rainy Storm


Windy Storm


Roll a d6. On a 6 the current weather will present with a magical side effect. Roll another d6 to see which effect.


1     Cleansing Mist

2     Raven Mist

3     Illusion Mist

4     Fog of Awakening

5     Darkmarch

6     Apathy Mist


1     Manna from Heaven

2     Ascetic's Boon

3     Invisible Hail

4     Spark Showers

5     Rain of Fire

6     Ember Rain

Rain & Wind

1     Marimo Drop

2     Arcane Rain

3     Pixie Weather

4     Elemental Spawning

5     Rain of Blood

6     Cometfall


1     Peacemaker Aurora

2     Blood Moon

3     Ground Aurora

4     Chaotic Sun

5     Lawful Sun

6     Oven Bubbles


1     Healing Potion Rain

2     Upside-down Rain

3     Ghost Rain

4     Summon Water Rain

5     Silent Rain

6     Acid Rain

Rainy storm

1     Blobdrop

2     Bolt Drizzle

3     Cyclopes Workshop

4     Rain of Animal Growth

5     Woodsprout

6     Thunderclap Storm


1     Friendly Breeze

2     Dancer's Rain

3     War Cumulus

4     Counterspell Damp

5     Night Plague

6     Radiant Light


1     Shimmering Winds

2     Scentwind

3     Fool's Gold Dusting

4     Watertaker

5     Wildcolor Haboob

6     Wind of Distrust

Windy storm

1     Slow Lightning

2     Wild Hunt

3     Antigravity Storm

4     Ion Storm

5     Cackling Thunder

6     Psychic Storm

Scroll down to find each weather effect explained

Tomorrow's weather.

An alternative way to decide weather is to randomize it based on the previous day. Roll a d12 and read the result in the graph. 

The way you read this is to look at the box representing the weather of today.

Say for example that you have Clear weather today. If you roll 1 on a d12 it will take you to Fog. A 2-6 will take you to Overcast, and 7-12 will take you to Wind.

Weather effects explained


1 Cleansing mist - The mist cleans the clothes of those in it.

2 Raven Mists - An enormous bank of peasoup-thick mist rolls in and settles. In the thickest part, it causes a choking cough, but the players can push through as long as they can hold their breath.

3 Illusion mist - Every creature breathing in it will see illusions of other people/creatures, an intelligence or perception check is required to realize if something is an illusion.

4 Fog of Awakening - Temporary awakening spells affect plants and animals in the fog.

5 Darkmarch - An enormous column of traveling darkness rolls in and passes through for several days. Sounds like thunder or marching emanate softly from within.

6 Apathy Mist - Textureless, grey clouds cover the sky and there is an ongoing light drizzle mixed with a light fog. The rain seems as gray as the sky it fell from and bodies of water become unnaturally opaque as they are rained on. People who are exposed to the fog and drizzle gradually become increasingly apathetic and weary. Being exposed for an hour induces feelings of tiredness and irritability, exposure for 2 hours leaves people uninterested and unmotivated. Being exposed for 3 hours or longer leaves a person without the will to move out of the rain, and with a fading will to live. Exposure to the rain for 4 hours or more will put the victim into a deep coma that requires magical healing to fix, and after 6 hours of exposure, the victim dies as their heartbeat slowly grinds to a halt. 


1 Peacemaker Aurora - Aurora that has the calm emotions spell effect to those nearby

2 Blood Moon - The sky turns a deep red, making everything else have a tint of red too. The red color tint remains for a few minutes even after moving out from the moon light.

3 Ground Aurora - Auroras appear at ground level.

4 Chaotic Sun - A partial eclipse which can create illusory amalgamations. Creatures who are chaotic recieve a bonus while lawful creatures are penalized. The bonus/penalty does not apply if the creature is in shade.

5 Lawful Sun - The sun glows blue instead of yellow today. Lawful creatures in direct sunlight gain a bonus to all skill checks. Chaotic creatures in direct sunlight take a penalty to all skill checks. The bonus/penalty does not apply if the creature is in shade.

6 Oven bubbles - Bubbles of superheated air form. Plant life and untreated wood may spontaneously combust. The bubbles are difficult to spot, and are best spotted by looking for the heat distortions of objects behind them.


1 Friendly breeze - The air causes people to be friendly to one another as if charmed. People must roll wisdom saves to not hug each other in the streets.

2 Dancers Rain - White clouds billow unnaturally as what was before a gentle breeze begins turns to sharp gusts. Within minutes it looks like there is a bulging mountain range in the sky, small cloud-puffs reach towards the ground and are tossed back, and strands of cloud are molded it into chaotic patterns and designs. At the storm's zenith, the cloud wisps touch the ground and resemble dancing humanoids whipping the wind around them. Those that stand within the clouds that touch the surface can hear joyful, rambunctious laughter in the howls of the wind, as though the spirits of the storm are inviting them out to play.

3 War Cumulus - Clouds arrange themselves into imitations of a battle below. After the battle the sky turns a dusky red.

4 Counterspell Damp - An invisible dampness in the air that reduces the effects of magical spells (ranges shortened or stopped altogether).

5 Night Plague - Dark clouds cover the sky completely blocking any light from the Sun, the Moon or the stars. Night monsters react appropriately.

6 Radiant Light - Bright yellowy white clouds cover the sky. They emit a powerful light, dealing radiant damage per round to whoever is standing unprotected outside.


1 Manna from heaven - Hail that is actually just edible food. Small, dense, hard nuggets of sustenance that can be crushed into water or sucked on like a candy. Doesn't have a strong taste, but collecting a pound will provide a single meal ration.

2 Ascetic's boon - Really nasty sleet, but someone who exposes themselves and withstands the bitterness of the whole storm finds all their weapons, clothing, and armor granted a temporary +1 buff.

3 Invisible hail - A hailstorm which is completely invisible.

4 Spark showers - Instead of water, sparks rain down. Instead of lightning there is either a downward fire spout which never reaches the ground, or bursts of magma. 'looks like God is welding again'

5 Rain of Fire - Classic rain of fire from a typhoon of magic magma.

6 Ember-rain - Tiny embers and ash fall from dark clouds in the sky, making the air difficult to breathe, every 2 hours directly under it's effect applies an exhaustion point. The embers are harmless, and just fade when touching any surface.


1 Healing potion rain - The sky grows a calming light green. The rain heals at least 1hp per round. Does not effect undead or constructs.

2 Upside-down rain - Puddles form on the ground. Then the puddles then become rain falling upwards, until the puddles are exhausted and the ground is dry.

3 Ghost rain - It's raining, but the rain seems to pass right through everything. Careful inspection reveals the rain is splashing against and forming puddles on surfaces that don't exist. It turns out the rain is falling in a parallel plane, or is a memory from the past falling on the land as it was long ago.

4 Summon water rain - Every water droplet is a small puddle. When the droplet lands, instead of a small 'splt' you would expect, it 'splooshes' into an entire puddle. Tends to lead to massive flooding.

5 Silent rain - Anything hit by the rain makes no noise.

6 Acid Rain - Literal acid rain.


1 Shimmering winds - A breeze flows trough the area, carrying tiny particles of precious gem-dust. Light sources reflect off of it, making the air seems to sparkle. The storm varies by gem type.

2 Scentwind - A whole bunch of odd smells are blown in on the breeze. Each gust of wind changes the smell entirely. One moment you smell strawberries and creme, then iodine, then fresh bread, then decaying leaves.

3 Fool's Gold Dusting - A dust storm of gold dust, but bottling or capturing it makes it dissolve.

4 Watertaker - A tornado that targets nearby water sources and drains them

5 Wildcolor Haboob - A blowing wind that changes color of everything it hits - permanently or otherwise. This includes water, skin, hair, clothing, items, etc. The color change is incredibly quick and it cycles through many colors as the wind blows.

6 Wind of distrust - Long exposure will make the party fight itself for 1d6 turns.

Rain and Wind

1 Marimo drop - Glowing moss falls from a clear sky. They can be collected and put into globes to be used as a light source similar to Continual Light.

2 Arcane rain - It rains paper in strange languages with unknown diagrams, runes, markings. It also rains droplets of various colors of ink. Most pages are quickly blotted out by the ink, but collecting 200 or so may be enough to decipher a secret. Collecting in the middle of the storm is better, but anyone showered upon risks gaining a temporary form of madness, is temporaily polymorphed, or otherwise affected by some other unpredictable effect. The ink is useless when mixed together but usable as expensive fine ink if individual droplets are collected and mixed with like kin. Articles of clothing left outdoors become tie-dyed.

3 Pixie weather - It rains beautiful bubbles. A faint laughter of pixies can be heard as they pop.

4 Elemental Spawning - Each drop of water is an incredibly tiny young water elemental. They begin to crawl to the nearest body of water, forming a huge wave knocking over anything in its wake. As they fall, they may try to swarm the party. No damage will be taken, but those plagued by the minuscule elementals will appear to be covered in a layer of water.

5 Rain of Blood - Classic rain of blood. \m/

6 Cometfall - Magic Missiles rain down causing 1d4 force damage

Rainy storm

1 Blobdrop - Raindrops from the storm fall short of the ground, instead forming large amorphous blobs of water, they are burst easily.

2 Bolt drizzle - Instead of raining water, it rains electricity- but it looks just like falling rain, it's just little droplets of electricity that steaks down from the sky. Not innately harmful.

3 Cyclopes Workshop - A seemingly typical thunderstorm, but each roll of thunder is accompaniment by the silhouette of a mighty creature striking a great anvil behind the clouds.

4 Rain of animal growth - Any animal caught in the rain will grow by a 1d4 growth modifier.

5 Woodsprout - A lightning storm that strikes wooden objects, making them sprout shoots that grow rapidly in random directions

6 Thunderclap storm - Severe thunderstorm. Each round roll a D10 on a 10 all players must roll a con saving throw. On failure 1d6 thunder damage.

Windy storm

1 Slow lightning - It only travels at walking pace, but is very persistent.

2 Wild Hunt - Snaky bolts of magic dart parallel to the ground. Those struck become afflicted with a persistent Hunter's Mark. Most people and wildlife caught outside tends to be marked.

3 Antigravity storm - A red cloud lightning storm with pink bolts. Wherever lightning strikes, be it earth, a tree, or building, the object or area begins hovering and slowly rises up towards the sky. This effect lasts for 1h, after which all the objects slowly descend.

4 Ion storm - A lightning storm that lasts for more than a day. The air in the area becomes so ionized, that metallic objects randomly release sparkles and small lightning bolts.

5 Cackling thunder - The skies let loose a maniacal laugh that frightens all beings that are outdoors on a failed will save

6 Psychic storm - Random voices can be heard everywhere, whispering horrible things into people's ears. People out in it too long may go temporarily insane.