

bad mood on four legs

The Rhinopyrros is a majestic beast known for its unique combination of rhinoceros-like features and magical abilities. Native to mystical lands, the Rhinopyrros is distinguished by its armored body, prominent row of horns on the nose and neck, their fire breathing ability and large, leathery wings. Capable of both terrestrial mobility and flight, this creature is most renowned for its bad mood and good memory. They can hold a grudge for decades if they feel slighted.

In folklore, the Rhinopyrros is often depicted as a guardian of ancient treasures or a formidable opponent in heroic tales, symbolizing strength and resilience. They are carnivores and can sometimes hunt, but mostly they defer to scavenging. Their habitats are mostly volcanic regions or enchanted forests, where they play a pivotal role in the ecosystem.


colorful tree dweller

The Peter Squirrel is a very rare creature renowned for its striking appearance. It has two slightly curved horns, long whiskers and colorful feathers on its face, neck, back, and tail. The face is almost flat, with two large, round eyes. The most notable feature is the intricate colorful pattern that completely covers its skin, almost like a tattoo. With its slender shape and long, flexible tail, this creature is known for its long jumps and graceful movements. 

The Peter Squirrel is said to originate from the rainforests in Nargur. Folklore tells of its ability to blend seamlessly into the forest canopy, its feathers and skin mimicking the vibrant hues of leaves and sky. In some tales, the Peter Squirrel is depicted as a guide, leading lost travelers to safety. Its presence is often seen as a symbol of good fortune. In dreams and fortune telling it is connected to luck and personal growth.


the mount of gods