
Session 3


Arra, Adaki, Angela, Gloria, Charlie and Gerlinde

Story Recap

1 Reading 112

All 6 find themselves in a train wagon. They talk with the other prisoners, and try to take on the guards with little success. They overhear a conversation at a border control, and finally arrive and the Mindstone Mine. They observe that all prisoners except them seem a bit passive, mindless. Even a few of the guards. They react when prompted and do what they are told, but lack initiative capacity. After a drafting interview that scanned for spies or infiltrators they were led through the tent camp, past an area full of Fairy Moths, and set to work in the mine. 

Adaki was first with finding a shard, and experience a strange sensation of being in someone elses body with made up memories. They share the shard between them and everyone get the same sensation. They buy a tent and some firewood and set up camp with Leena and Mara, two halflings. They share their tent with Gloria (to Charlie's chagrin) since they are all small. Gerlinde share magical services  and healing around the camp and convince a quarter-elf to share tent with her. Arra starts performing around the camp, while some of the others keep searching for shards late into the night. Charlie and Angela find an additional shard each which they exchange for coin. 

With sleeping arrangements sorted for Gloria and Gerlinde, the rest sleep in shifts in their only tent. When they sleep, they all dream. 

Basement cutscene

Imagine that the camera zooms out from the mine and glides across the chilly late-autumn landscape, until it reaches a city.

It zooms in on a block, then a building, a shop, then it stops when it's in the basement. There are 6 people here. Completely different people by the way, not you.

Are you imagining this? Ok good.

You are in a comfortable basement with a large table in the middle and some workbenches along the walls. A tiefling woman with green skin and long curved horns comes up to meet you.

"Nice that we could meet face to face again. So sad you are all ugly as fuck. You can drop the human disguises now by the way."

You had all arrived here disguised as humans, but now each of you revert back to your real race. Halfling, gnome, fire genasi, halfelf, human. Weird that these races match the races of those people back in the mine. 

"Aww now you look worse! Naah I'm just kidding. You are all beautiful snowflakes. 

You have all met before, right? Yea, you met last time we were here. Nice basement, this.

Time for business? Yea lets not dawdle.

Have you settled on a name for the inn? We had two options last time. Queens knights, something?"

She says this turned to the gnome, who answers "Yea close, the Queens Knickers."

"Yea right. And names? You mentioned something like Charlie Chestnut last time?"

The halfling responds "Cheerful Charlie".

"Really, that’s your name? You are free to choose anything, and that’s what you pick? Ok fine it’s your funeral. Oh by the way, you can make up whatever equipment you would like. Stuff you have or stuff you wish you had. You can also bake some of your real life into the backstory of your aliases, it can be easier to remember that way.

Like you (turned to the half-elf), you can pretend that you have your father's lute, or lyre, or whatever. I know you have always wanted that. 

Ok so the rest of you? What will the fake yous be called? And all of you, make sure to memorize this, it's important you know it."

Each person in the basement mention the names for their personas.

"I’m not gonna go into all the steps of the plan again, but I’ll repeat the important bits. 

  1. We need to erase your memories and make you look all innocent to be able to smuggle you into the mining camp, otherwise their interrogators will spot you instantly

  2. When you are there, get at least one shard each. With the help of the shard, you can move around freely within the Veil without being mind controlled.

  3. Escape

  4. Get to the palace

  5. Interrupt the ritual

Easy peasy. After that you can do whatever the fuck you want as far as I’m concerned.

Kill the princess. Don’t kill the princess. Marry the princess. I don’t give a fuck.

Come, I want to show you something. We have a dead drow and a shard now, with the help of these two."

She gestures to the halfling and the orc, then goes over to one of the workbenches along the walls and pulls aside a cloth to reveal a badly mangled torso with a large gem stuck to the middle of it. She takes a scalpel and cuts it loose, then crushes it in a mortar. She distributes the dust in six prepared potion bottles. 

"Here are your potions. Get yours while it's hot. Kidding. 

Oh wait, FUCK!"

She curses when two of the potion bottles are knocked over and spills some of their content. 

"We don't have any spares. Ok, the two of you (indicating the halfling and the orc) will have to make do with more vague memories than the others.

These will shield you from the Veil, and reset your memories to the fake identities that we designed. The new memories will take a couple of hours to settle so the potions are designed to keep you knocked out meanwhile. We don’t want you to wake up in two minds and tell everyone about the plan. So wait, and don’t drink them until you are close to the Mudway. Our goblin friends will take care of the rest. 

The memories should slowly leak back over time, at least enough to let you remember the plan.

Tomorrow you will take a wagon from here until you get close to Lomtenet Mol. You will not go into Lomtenet Mol! That can cause paradox memories, and we don’t want those. So you will stay away from the town and camp in the forest. I have arranged for two goblins to meet you, one day before the full moon. They will show you where to go, and when it’s time for the train you will strip down to common clothes and drink the potions. After that, the goblins will take care of everything. 

Oh, one last thing, before you leave. Each of you, take a turn in that seat. It will store your memories as they are now. Pick a Memory vessel and put on the Memory crown. Then try to relax. Don’t worry, I know who made it. It’s as safe as it’s gonna get. Afterward, leave the runes, they contain a copy of your memories. I will keep them for you."