Calendar of the world Enfargor

The god Nuggan has made sure that the calendar is well organized.

There are 30 days to a month, and 10 months to a year

The moon is in sync with the months; there is a new moon with every new month and a full moon in the middle of each month. 

    The seasons are winter - spring - summer - autumn


    1 Snow’s delight

    2 Bluebird's nest

    3 Shepherd's rest

    4 Moon's return

    5 Farmers churn

    6 Ocean warm

    7 Treefall storm

    8 Reading leaf

    9 Garden's grief

    10 Glacier’s might

    Mighten Frostsong

    A popular two-day festival at new-year that spans from the last day of Glacier's might to the first day of Snow's delight. It is common to spend it with family and close friends, reminiscing about endings and celebrating beginnings.

    There are some local variations, for example people in some areas put heavy focus on food, in other areas they exchange gifts. In several areas it is also popular to send small flying origami bird postcards to everyone on your mailing list, something that really upsets magizoologists. 
