Mindstone Mine

The tent camp

Inside a palisade, in front of the cliff wall and the mine proper, is a collection of shabby tents that are scattered around the area. Some of the tents are huddled around a few campfires, but many tents are placed one by one without a source of warmth. Some people don’t even have a tent, they are sleeping in blankets directly on the ground in the camp or close to the mine entrance.

Sleeping and resting

A cold and hungry character won't benefit from a long rest. Roll a Con save DC10 with the following modifiers to see if you rest successfully:

  • Blanket +1 (max 3 blankets) or Bedroll +3
  • Tent +5
  • Warm food +5
  • No food -5

There is a simple shop in the tent camp where you can buy the most essential supplies. 

The shop uses a particular currency with red wax coins that you can get in the mine.

The mine

About 30 feet into the cave mouth is a cloth drape that seal the rest of the tunnel. Sitting on the cave roof and walls you can see hundreds of large purple moths. After the cloth drape is a wooden plank with a simple door in it that leads into the mine.

Just inside the door you see a straight corridor with wooden floor and walls, but some way in the wood ends and you can see the natural stone floor and walls of the cave. In the distance you can just make out the main tunnel splitting up in five much smaller crawl ways that start winding their way into the mountain. 

On the left wall of the wooden part of the corridor you see first a small hatch-like window in the wall and then a door. A little bit later you see another small hatch and a door. The second hatch is open, and a worker with a far-away look is sitting on a stool just inside. They seem to be affected by the same mindlessness as everyone else. This is the shard exchange, where you can trade a shard for 7 of the red wax coins. 

There are long narrow passages winding into the mountain, sometimes splitting into multiple paths. It’s cramped and requires hard work to move further into the tunnels. There is no light in the mine so you need to bring torches or lamps with you unless you have dark vision. Spaced out along the sides of the tunnels sometimes geodes can be found. The geodes are sharp and jagged inside, and you need to stick your arm in up to the elbow to search around for a potential shard inside, causing jagged cuts along your arms in the process. Most workers in the mine have long wounds and scars along their hands and forearms after having searched through numerous geodes, most of them probably empty. After a shard has been plucked from a geode by a worker, that geode will slowly grow a new shard over a course of several weeks. 

Looking for shards

  • Finding a Mindstone shard requires a successful Perception check DC20

  • You can make one roll per 4 hours spent searching

  • Every time you search for shards, roll on the Mindstone Mine random encounters table

  • Crowbar or miner’s pick help you work more efficiently, granting +2

  • If you work more than 8 hours you risk becoming Exhausted

    • Working more than 8 hours: Exhaustion CON save DC 14

    • Working more than 12 hours: Exhaustion CON save DC 18

Random event table

Every time you search for shards, roll a D12

1-8 Nothing special
9-11 You take 1 hp damage from the sharp geodes
12 A mine encounter happens, DM rolls on a secret table

Fairy Moths

These are purple moths about as big as a saucer. They like to live in and around caves and other damp, dark areas. They behave like mosquitos, stinging living creatures for blood and leaving an itchy mark. For a creature that hunts in the dark, they have pretty poor eyesight, so to improve their chances they have evolved innate Fairy Fire.

Mindstone shards attract the moths in large numbers, and also cause them to cast Faerie Fire. The guards at Mindstone Mine use the moths as an alarm system, and any person who are outlined in purple light and suspiciously covered in moths will call for the immediate attention of the guards.

Mindstone Shards

These shards were a very valued commodity a few hundred years back, but everyone have thought the mine to be unproductive since then. 

A shard is attuned by leaving it attached to your skin for 24 hours, during which time it will meld with the skin and send out tendrils across the body. Once fully attuned the shard gives the wearer the following magical abilities:

  • One additional attunement slot
  • Advantage against the charmed condition
  • Once per dawn, recover an expended spellslot (max lvl 3)